Articles by The Ven. Isaac J. Rehberg

The Ven. Isaac J. Rehberg

Fr. Isaac is the Archdeacon for liturgy in the Anglican Diocese of All Nations (ACNA), and the Rector of All Saints Anglican Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Heather, and daughters, Leah and Victoria. When not chasing kids or making dinners, Fr. Isaac dabbles in various forms of music. Fr. Isaac earned his BA from the University of Texas at San Antonio and his Master of Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University.


On Article XX and Lay Responsibility

For North Americans, an obvious feature of our culture is consumerism. This is equally true of the church world as it participates in the wider culture. Most everyone who attends a church has (or will) attend numerous other churches of various denominations over his or her lifetime, often solely based on personal choice or preference….


Book Review: The Word Made Flesh For Us

The Word Made Flesh for Us: A Treatise on Christology & the Sacraments from Hooker’s Laws. By Richard Hooker. Modernized & Edited by Brad Littlejohn and Patrick Timmis. Davenant Press, 2024. 125 pp. Paperback $19.95. It has often been observed that the Anglican tradition, unlike some of the other forms of Protestantism, was named for…


Book Review: “Thou Shalt be Buried”

Thou Shalt be Buried. By Bishop Thomas Gordon. Exemplar Media, 2022. 110 pp. $10.00 (paper). While cremation has become increasingly common in the United States, its acceptance in Christian circles is often still controversial. In this short book, the Most Reverend Thomas Gordon, presiding bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church and Metropolitan Archbishop of the…


Civics, Civility, and the Church

Editor’s note: this essay is based on a homily for Independence Day preached by the author at All Saints Anglican Church in San Antonio TX, a parish that uses the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer The role of individual Christians and of the Church in civil and political life is often a matter of…


Book Review: Charles Chapman Grafton’s “Selected Writings”

Charles Chapman Grafton: Selected Writings. Edited by Clinton Collister. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2022. 261 pp. $11.99 (paper). I first heard about Charles Chapman Grafton, the second Bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac, in presentations on historic intercommunion efforts between Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox in which Bp. Grafton and St. Tikhon of…


A Question of Authority

As I have mentioned elsewhere, whenever I am asked about the difference between the Anglican Tradition and Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy, I answer that it ultimately boils down to authority. Per the Anglican Formularies, found in the Book of Common Prayer, the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, the Ordinal, and the two Books of Homilies,…


Competing Secondary Authority: A Capstone on Recent Debates Over Nicaea II

It is with fear and trembling that I undertake, at the behest of our esteemed general editor, to write something of a capstone to the debates on the Second Council of Nicaea that have taken place largely (but not exclusively) here at The North American Anglican. As a refresher, this year’s debates on TNAA occurred…


Assurance in the Prayer Book

A few months ago, with a measure of frustration, I observed a social media debate between two Anglicans, one of whom is a staunch Calvinist, and one of whom is a staunch Arminian. As is typical in such debates, the main issue was whether or not one could every truly know if one is saved….


Book Review: “Clothed With Salvation” and “A Priest Forever”

Shortly after I received a review copy of Clothed With Salvation, I left the volume on the table in our parish vestry, where it was seen by our Deacon. His face immediately lit up as he recognized the cover photo of the 1911 class of Nashotah House, his alma mater. When he read the author’s…

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